How to Boost Your Satellite Internet Signal: 3 Top Tips
Do you live in an area without a land-based broadband service? If so, then it is highly likely that you use a satellite internet service. Although many different factors can influence your internet speed, your satellite connection can make or break your internet browsing experience. There is nothing more frustrating than being unable to use the internet as a result of a poor satellite signal. As always, there are solutions out there though. With this in mind, let’s discover 3 easy ways to boost your satellite internet signal.

Rearrange Your Satellite Dish
A satellite dish receiver has two main components. The dish focuses radio signals and reflects these on to a receiver located at the front of the dish. If there is something in-between the line of sight of your dish and the satellite in space, then your signal can be degraded. Consequently, it is crucial that you make sure your dish is properly oriented and placed. A professional satellite dish installer can take care of this for you.
Did you receive your satellite dish as part of a self-installation kit? If so, you might want to carry out the following steps. Firstly, try contacting your service provider for some dish aiming assistance. This will involve working out the bearing of your satellite based on your location. Satellites are typically located at the equator and therefore your aiming direction will be south if you are in the Northern Hemisphere and north if you are in the Southern Hemisphere. Your service provider might also be able to provide a direct bearing so that you can point and angle your dish in the optimal way. Furthermore, if there are any trees or buildings in the path of your dish, you might need to move your dish or alter the obstruction to ensure the best possible view.
Switch Your Internet Service Provider
It is also important to consider the possibility that your internet service provider could be largely responsible for your poor satellite signal. Whereas some ISPs only have one satellite in orbit and require all their customers to point their dishes towards this singular satellite, other ISPs have multiple satellites in orbit. This can dramatically increase the likelihood that you will get a better signal from your location. Comparison websites are a useful resource where determining your next steps is concerned. For example, you can take a look at this guide to Hughesnet vs Viasat for some inspiration about the kinds of features you should be looking out for.
Tempted to make the switch? Why not start by contacting a satellite installer that represents several different ISPs? Quite often installers can help you to find the ISP that offers the best reception in your area. An installer is also less likely to try to sell you a single provider that might not have satellites in the best position for your location. Before making the switch just be sure to work out the cost of any equipment or installation procedures. These fees can sometimes be expensive, especially if you have already purchased any original equipment outright or need to invest in any additional items.
Optimize Your Home Network
Sometimes, you can use your home network equipment to boost your satellite internet signal. Quite often firmware updates can carry out vital debugging processes that can speed up your connection. If you have a router or modem, there should be a sticker on it that states your IP address. Use this to sign onto your network and follow the onscreen instructions to complete any firmware updates.
Once again, it is necessary to try to configure and optimize your router so that your Wi-Fi signal does not have to pass through too many solid objects. Cabinets, walls, floors, and other dense materials can all degrade your signal. In order to achieve optimum configuration, your router should be in an open space, in the upper third of the room where you use the service the most. For instance, this could be in your home office or living room depending on your requirements. In multi-level homes, the second floor is sometimes the best location for your router.
Ultimately you can use a lot of the tips above no matter what kind of internet you have. Whereas optimizing your satellite internet connection can seem intimidating at first, with a little extra effort, you can successfully boost your signal so that you can enjoy the internet connection you deserve. Above all, make sure that your satellite dish is correctly oriented, shop around to find the best ISP in your location, and try to optimize your home to further enhance your internet signal.
Of course, poor satellite signal is not the only issue that internet users face, however. In recent years, the threats of cybercrime have escalated, with more and more of us using the internet than ever before. Moreover, an antivirus software package should be your first line of defence against cybercrime. For more information, take a look at these useful tips to preventing malware from harming your computer.